Thursday, August 7, 2008


[just some of my thread]

Pak-n-Sav is a grocery store in New Zealand. Incidentally that is what we are doing at the moment.
That's right, it's that time of the year... or the month... when... we pack. Our stuff into boxes. Our very many stuffs that we have way too much of still but we can't seem to shake from the bowels of our storage containers. There are only 20 days left before takeoff, and I have loads of fabric to categorize, prioritize, and box up.

[just some of the scrap pile]

And I don't know when I will see it again.

Also a fair warning: Thimblescratch shop will be closing up soon for a couple months, so shop while you can (and help a starving artist in the process)!

[ For sale at Thimblescratch Shop!]

Last but not least, here's a kitty for your thoughts.


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